Maulana Azad College

Maulana Azad College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

Career Councelling & Placement


The college has a 5 acre campus in the heart of the city of Kolkata which comprises one heritage building, one annexe building and one staff quarter complex. Apart from the main campus, the college has the Principal's Quarter, two boys' and one girls' hostel close by and another pavilion-cum-staff quarter complex at Gorachand Dutta Lane, Kolkata. There are in all 36 classrooms and 22 laboratories in the college many of which are IT enabled. There is a Central Instrumentation Facility, separate plant and animal tissue culture laboratories and an ethics committee affiliated Animal House. The college has a traditional Char-Bag (four gardens) as its facade and one of these served as a well maintained medicinal plant garden.

Facilities offered:


Students are benefitted by the facility of a two way library system namely, the Central library and the Seminar libraries of the respective departments. The Central Library has approximately 1,00,000 titles with particularly rich and rare collections of Persian, Urdu and Arabic literature including manuscripts.

Both the Central Library and seminar libraries of the various departments offer lending services, reading room services and reference services with some useful journals. The library provides internet facilities.

Career Councelling & Placement:

The College has a Career Counselling Cell which regularly interacts and brings in industry placement experts for students career counselling. Contact: Dr. Rajarshi Roy, Asst. Professor of Botany.

Student Grievance Redressal Cell:

The institution has a well-functioning Student Grievance Redressal Cell which responds to the grievances brought to their notice. All Head of the departments are members of this committee. Contact: Prof. Anuradha Sen (Jt. Convenor).

Scholarship & Stipends:

The college extends all support deemed to be necessary to enable a student in pursuing academics despite the hardship and challenges he or she faces due to financial stress.

Fees concession (full free and half free) is sanctioned at the beginning of the academic session subject to the approval of DPI, W.B. Notification regarding fees concession will be displayed in the college notice board after the admission process is over.

Several student support schemes are available to the students who take admission on the basis of merit.

These include: Kanyashree for girl students pursuing higher studies

Support from WB Minoriries and Financial Development Corporation

Merit-cum-means scholarship of Government of West Bengal

Student Aid Fund, which is a fund generated by the students and for the students.

UGC single girl child fellowships Scholarship from state Urdu Academy Grant for handicapped students

National scholarship INSPIRE fellowship for meritorious students of science offered by the DST, Govt. of India.

Scholarship from West Bengal Minority Development & Financial Corporation is sanctioned for students belonging to the minority communities.

Scholarship to Differently Ambled students are sanctioned by W.B. Mass Education Department.

Scholarship to the students whose parents are Bidi workers are sanctioned by the Social Welfare Department, Government of India.

Scholarship from Private Sponsors / Endowment.


The College has 22 modern laboratories for the PG, UG (Honours) and UG (General) students. In addition to that, 7 well equipped Research Laboratories are there.

Plant tissue culture laboratory in the Botany Department.

Animal tissue culture laboratory in the Zoology Department.

Herbarium in the Botany Department.

Animal House maintained by Zoology Department.

Computer Lab/ Networking & Wi-Fi Connectivity:

All the departments of the College are well equipped with computers having internet facilities. The College Office and the Library are also computerized. E-journals are available in the College Library.

Instrument facilities for teaching, learning and research:

The College has extremely good instrument facility for both students and researchers.

Language Laboratory:

Language Laboratory maintained by English Department, having audio, video and interactive console facility.


Limited accommodation for bonafide male students is arranged in the hostel subject to availability of seats and fulfillment of domiciliary conditions:

Baker Government Hostel, located at 8, Smith Lane, Kolkata 700 013, is under the direct administrative control of this college. It provides seats only to the Muslim students who do not have residence in and around Kolkata.

Application Form (Baker Government Hostel)

A new Annexe Building of Baker Govt. Hostel has been erected, named as "Banga Bondhu Smrity Bhavan" to pay tribute to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ex-President of Bangladesh and Ex-boarder of Baker Govt. Hostel.

A Girls' hostel with assistance from UGC is under construction.

Common Room:

The College has a Boys' Common Room, situated in the first floor and a Girls' Common Room, situated in the second floor of the main Building.

Gymnasium :

Two gymnasiums are situated each in the boys' and girls' common room, both are furnished with modern fitness equipments.

College Canteen :

There are three canteens for students and staff in the college.


College has a large playground is available. In addition, University Ground, which is close by, is made available to us in need. Provisions exist for all major indoor and outdoor games.