Maulana Azad College

Maulana Azad College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

Governing Body

A Governing Body mentors the college as per guidelines given by Government of West Bengal vide G.O. no. 304-Edn(A) dated 22/05/1995. -

Constitution of Governing Body :

  • The President should be educationist of repute. Alternatively the President of the Governing Body may be an eminent person with a distinguished career. In the districts, the Divisional Commissioner or the District Magistrate or his representative not below the rank of Sub-Divisional Officer may head the Governing Body.
  • The Principal / Officer-in-Charge of the college should be the Member Secretary.
  • Two representatives of teachers to be elected in a meeting of the Teachers' Council.
  • One representative of the non-teaching employees to be elected by members of non-teaching staff of the college.
  • One students' representative to be nominated by the Principal / Officer-in-Charge in consultation with the members of the Students' Union.
  • Two members to be nominated by the Government among the persons with experience in educational administration.
  • Two members to be nominated by the Vice - Chancellor of affiliating University.
  • The tenure of the Governing Body shall be three years only the students' representative should be changed every year.
  • Any vacancy that may occur as a result of transfer or retirement or otherwise of the teachers and non-teaching employees shall be filled up within one month from the date of occurrence of vacancy.
  • Functions of the Governing Body:

  • To approve the holiday list at the beginning of the calendar year or prior to beginning in the calendar year.
  • To approve the academic calendar of the college prior to beginning of the academic session and to look after the implementation of academic calendar.
  • To recommend the development proposal of the college to the Government.
  • To initiate steps to improve the smooth running of the college and to suggest necessary steps for its improvement to the Government, if necessary.
  • To recommend steps to redress the grievances of the students, and members of teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • To write off damage repairable article accounting to Rs. 1000/- per item in each meeting of the Governing Body subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000/-
  • To consider any emergency matter.
  • Members as per Notification no. 1053-Edn(A)/10M-84/10 dated 27/10/2010 #


    Sk. Nurul Haque, IAS


    Principal, Maulana Azad College, Kolkata


    Prof. Anjan Kr. Sengupta

    Dr. Dipak Bhattacharyya

    Prof. Shyamsuzzaman Ahmed, Principal Sripat Singh College, Giagunj, Murshidabad

    Dr. Harendranath Bhattacharyya, Presidency College

    Sri Siddhartha Mondal, Executive Engineer, PWD (Civil), CKD - II

    Sri Subhankar Das, Executive Engineer, PWD (Electrical), CKD

    Dr. S.K. Bhattacharyya, Associate Professor, Botany, MAC, Teachers' Representative

    Sri Anis Akhtar, Associate Professor of Urdu, MAC, Teachers' Representative

    Sri R.N. Dutta, PA, GR - II, MAC, Non-teaching Staff Representative

    General Secretary, Students' Union, MAC

    # The last Governing Body of the college was formed in the year 2010 vide notification no. 1053-Edn(A)/10M-84/10 dated 27/10/2010. The last meeting of the said GB was held on 10/06/2011. The government in the Higher Education Department withdrew the Govt. nominees to the said GB vide G.O. no. 536-Edn (A)/10M-74/11dated 01/07/2011. Since then as per college records there is no sitting GB of the college. Under these circumstances the college requested the DPI, Govt. of West Bengal vide memo no. 527/G.B dated 04/02/2015 to reconstruct the Governing Body of Maulana Azad College.