Faculty members represent an effective blend of wisdom and energy representing a diverse range of expertise in different domains of sociological knowledge. Sociology of Gender, Health and Environment are some of the areas of expertise of the Department. Faculty members also work hard to impart rigorous field-work based research training to the students. Active engagement of all the faculty members in different areas of College administration is also noteworthy.
The Department of Sociology is a relatively new department of the college, established in 1988. At the time of inception, the department had three full time teaching posts, a new post has been created by the Education Department, WB, in the year 2005.
Teachers give individual attention to students and their respective improvement with a holistic approach incorporating parents and devising effectual communication models to shape their socialization in order to elicit out best academic responses from them. Illustrations in shape of audio visual aids and judicious explanations help in inculcating sociological imaginations among students.
Faculty members could achieve good repute at local, national and global levels. Our students too are not lagging behind and they are increasingly marking their footprints at different universities and premier institutes of higher education across India. While achievements of faculty members include Fulbright scholarship and different grants and awards, students also regularly participate and become victorious in different events like Young Sociologists’ Competition organised by Christ University, Bangalore and the likes. The department also successfully organized a number of state, national and international seminars in the recent past.
Under Graduate Honours and General courses in Sociology/P>
The Department runs withonly Undergraduate Course in Sociology (Honours) under the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) as per mandate given by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The curriculum under CBCS system is distributed in modular format for every semester (six month duration) along with estimated number of class hours.It helps to transfer the credits (Grades) for students. Even, this system helps unsuccessful students (Odd/Even Semesters) to appear in next semester withoutlosing any year/s.This system also motivates students who are interested for higher studies across India, even abroad too.
Department offers undergraduate students both Core Courses and Generic Elective Courses (for other honours students).Under Elective Courses there are courses like Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC), Skill EnhancementCourses(SEC) and Discipline Specific Elective (DSE). Elective courses for Honours course students are specified for each semester. All courses are uniformly distributed semester wise along with distribution of theory, tutorial etc. Credit points of each course are mentioned in significant way.
In these courses probable and related perspectives are covered in justified ways. The most important part of this system is that students are bound to learn most important methods through field study and field survey which will help them in future progression.
The Department encourages students to follow the multi-faceted dimensions of the curriculum towards awarenessof different social issues through fundamental understanding of society, community, institutions, religion, accommodation and adaptation of new insights of culture etc. The curriculum emphasizes on social and natural sustainability discourses, at the same time.
On regular basis the Department promotes new projects for students outside the college premise to gain first-hand knowledge through face to face interactions. Apart from all these,on regular intervals the Department organizes Seminars, both national and international, and special lectures on different contemporary social issues. The Department promotes not only gaining knowledge on contemporary social issues but also to think beyond that.
To motivate students and acquire confidence level on presentation before audience, the department offers opportunities of poster presentations, power point presentations and open discussions within departmental class schedule. The Department is using hundred percent hybrid mode class teaching and ensures availability of book bank in dedicated web class rooms (Google Drive). Here access of reading is ensured at any point of time.
During the academic session 2023-24 another model of academics had been introduced; that is the New Education Policy[NEP], 2020. The curriculum came into force with different out looks in academia. Apart from the class room teaching and learning,the department now is focusing on the skill development courses for the students. In that line, the department introduced a few add-on courses even before introduction of the NEP-2020 to provide different platforms for them.
As per NEP-2020, the department also ensures students to achieve development of value loaded personalities for better integrated future. The Department also gives stress on ethical issues with application of technological knowledge.
CCF : View
CBCS: View
CCF 2022 : View
Lesson Plan 19 - 20 UG : View
Lesson Plan 20 - 21 UG : View
Lesson Plan Final Sociology_2021-22 : View
Lesson Plan - 2022-23 : View
Higher education Portal: View
Open Library : View
Open Educational Resources by Subject Disciplines : View
Sociology: Open Access Resources : View
Sociology: Sub-communities within this community : View
IGNOU BA Sociology Books PDF Free Download : View
Maulana Azad College
8, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Rd,
Taltala, Kolkata, West Bengal
Kolkata - 700013
Contact no: 033-29730203 (Principal's Office)
Admission Email. : macadmission123@gmail.com
General Email. : maulanaazadcollegekolkata@gmail.com
Students' section : macstscc146@gmail.com
Institutional Email: info@maulanaazadcollegekolkata.ac.in
Principal's Email: principal@maulanaazadcollegekolkata.ac.in