Maulana Azad CollegeGovt. of W.B.
Maulana Azad College

Maulana Azad College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta
NAAC Accredited with 'A+' Grade
DBT Star College with Star Status
College with Potential for Excellence (UGC) (2010)
Accredited by NAAC in Cycle-3 with an ‘A+’ Grade (CGPA 3.46)
Celebrating 100 Glorious Years of Excellence


Contact no: 033-29730203 (Principal's Office)
Student Support Cell :

Scholarship Available

This is to inform all Students that the following Govt./Non-Govt. Scholarship and Tuition Fee Waiver Schemes are available for applying.

Students may select the suitable options for them and contact the Students' Support Cell of the College from Monday to Saturday, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm at the IQAC Room (Ground Floor, behind main staircase) /Teachers' Staff Room (First Floor).

National Scholarship Portal:

1.Kanyashree Prakalpa' by the Govt. of West Bengal

Incentivizing education of Girl Child provided by the Govt. of West Bengal to the meritorious Girl students of the State pursuing higher studies
Girl Students of the age between 13-18 (K1), 18-19 (K2), Girl students pursuing PG (K3)
How to Apply:
Contact for help: Students' Support Cell of the College
(see Notice in the College Website, Students' Section Notice Board)
Apply Online:
Documents Required to be uploaded at the time of filing online application:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Annual Income Certificate (Optional),
  • Aadhar Card,
  • Voter's Id,
  • Voter's Id of Guardian
  • Single Holder Account Passbook,
  • Unmarried Certificate (Must) by Councillor/ Panchayat Pradhan,
  • Passport Size Photograph in White Background (Ears Visible)
  • College ID

Application Period:
April to March every year.
Students' Support Cell of the College

2. West Bengal Chief Minister Relief Fund Scholarship (Nabanna/Uttarkanya)

By Govt. of West Bengal

  • Applicant must be a permanent resident of the State of West Bengal
  • Applicant studying in any institutions of the WB State after passing out the WB State Board /Council of Higher Secondary Education [for U.G. level] or a State aided University in WB [for P.G. level].
  • Applicant must get 60% in aggregate in H.S. Examination [for U.G. level] or 55% Marks in the Honours Subject [for P.G. level]
  • Applicant must not enjoy any other governmental (central/state) scholarship or stipend for the same course or stage of study during the last year.
  • Applicant's annual family income must not exceed Rs. 60,000/-.

How to Apply:
Application on plain paper along with all related documents may be send to:
The Assistant Secretary,
Chief Minister's Office,
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road
Howrah - 711 102
Download Sample Application Format
Documents Required to be Submitted along with the Application:

  • Copies of Mark Sheets of all previous examinations passed.
  • Monthly Family Income Certificate from any one mentioned within the bracket – (DM/ SDO/ BDO / Group-A Govt. Officer not below the rank of Joint B.D.O./ Executive Officer in case of Municipality / Deputy Commissioner of Corporation).
  • Recommendation from MP/MLA to the Hon'ble Chief Minister stating monthly family income of the student.
  • Self-declaration of the student under his/her signature regarding present course of study mentioning year/semester and receipt of any scholarship / aid/assistance, duly countersigned by the head of the Present institution with seal.
  • Self-Bank Account details (IFSC Code, Branch Code, Branch Name, Account Number, Bank Name) with photocopy of Bank Pass Book.
  • Photo Copy of tuition/admission fees book.
  • Contact Details with self-Mobile No.

Photo copies of all the documents are required to be attested by Group-A Govt. Officer.
Application Period:
Application may be sent throughout the year
Telephone: (033)22141902 or (033) 22535278

3. Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship for Minorities by WBMDFC

Assisting the meritorious Minority students of the West Bengal by the Govt, of West Bengal

  • Annual family income not more than Rs. 2,50,000/-
  • 50% marks in aggregate in the H.S. Exam for UG-level scholarships (50% marks in the Honours subject in UG for PG-level scholarships)
  • Domicile of WB

How to Apply:
Apply Online only at Aikyashree Scholarship Portal:
Documents Required to be uploaded at the time of filing online application:

  • Both side of the Mark sheet of the last examination.
  • Admit card of Madhyamik or equivalent examination.
  • Income certificate in the prescribed format
  • First page of bank pass book mentioning clearly the A/C no. and IFSC details
  • Domicile Certificate: Voter Id/Aadhaar card etc.
  • Recent Photograph (size must between 100 to 120KB)
  • Institute verification form duly authenticated by the Head of the Institution (HOI) in the prescribed format.

Application Period:
Mid-Jun to Mid-Sep every year. 
Last Date for receiving application this year is 15th Sep, 2019
Visit Website:
 Website (Aikyashree Scholarship Portal):

4. Stipend under Talent Support Programme for Minorities by WBMDFC

Assisting the meritorious Minority students of West Bengal by the Govt. of West Bengal

  • Annual family income not more than Rs. 2,00,000/-
  • 50% marks in aggregate in the H.S. Exam for UG-level scholarships (50% marks in the Honours subject in UG for PG-level scholarships)
  • 30 % reserved for Girl students
  • Domicile of WB

How to Apply:
Apply Online only at Aikyashree Scholarship Portal:
Documents Required to be uploaded at the time of filing online application:

  • Both side of the Mark sheet of the last examination.
  • Admit card of Madhyamik or equivalent examination.
  • Income certificate in the prescribed format
  • First page of bank pass book mentioning clearly the A/C no. and IFSC details
  • Domicile Certificate: Voter Id/Aadhaar card etc.
  • Recent Photograph (size must between 100 to 120KB)
  • Institute verification form duly authenticated by the Head of the Institution (HOI) in the prescribed format.

Application Period:
Mid-Jun to Mid-Sep every year. 
Last Date for receiving application this year is 15th Sep, 2019
Visit Website:
 Website (Aikyashree Scholarship Portal):

5. OASIS Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students by WBBCWD

Assisting the meritorious SC/ST/OBC students of West Bengal by the Govt. of West Bengal. WB Backward Classes Welfare Department is the nodal operator of the scheme.

  • Annual family income not more than Rs. 2,50,000/- (for OBC-Rs. 1,00,000/-)
  • 50% marks in aggregate in the H.S. Exam for UG-level scholarships (50% marks in the Honours subject in UG for PG-level scholarships)
  • Domicile of WB

How to Apply:
Apply Online only OASIS Scholarship Portal:
Application Period:
Start-Jun to Mid- Oct every year. 
receiving application for the scheme this year has been started on 3rd Jun, 2019
Visit OASIS Scholarship Portal:
 Visit OASIS Scholarship Portal:

6. Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship by Govt. of WB

Financial assistance provided by the West Bengal Higher Education Department (WBHED), Govt. of West Bengal to the poor but meritorious students of the State pursuing higher studies

  • Annual family income not more than Rs. 2,50,000/-
  • 75% marks in aggregate in the H.S. Exam for UG-level scholarships (53% marks in the Honours subject in UG for PG-level scholarships)
  • Kanyashree recipients with valid sanctioned K2 ID pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State in regular mode (not distance) must obtain at graduation level 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State in the year 2019 are eligible to apply. There is no need to submit income certificate and income affidavit in respect of Kanyashree (K3) applicant.

How to Apply:
Apply Online only:  
Documents Required to be uploaded at the time of filing online application:

  • Both side of the Mark sheet of the last examination.
  • Admit card of Madhyamik or equivalent examination.
  • Income certificate in the prescribed format
  • First page of bank pass book mentioning clearly the A/C no. and IFSC details
  • Domicile Certificate: Voter Id/Aadhaar card etc.
  • Recent Photograph (size must between 100 to 120KB)
  • Institute verification form duly authenticated by the Head of the Institution (HOI) in the prescribed format.

Application Period:
Mid-September to Mid-November every year. Visit Website:  
 E-mail:     Website:  

7. Scholarship for Students with Disabilities (Umbrella scholarship) by GoI

Financial assistance provided by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of India to the students with Disabilities of the country pursuing higher studies

  • students with more than 40% disability
  • Annual family income not more than Rs. 2,50,000/-
  • Passed the 10+2 Exam of the country
  • 50 % reserved for Girl students

How to Apply:
For details:

8. "Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)" Scholarship by DST, MST, GOI

Financial assistance to meritorious Student to attract the talent to Science for perusing Higher Studies (Scholarship for Higher Education) provided by the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India

  • Students perusing B.Sc., M.Sc. Courses
  • Marks within Top 1% of respective Board at 10+2
  • Those students who have secured ranks in the JEE of IIT, AIPMT (within top 10000 ranks)

How to Apply:
Apply Online only:
Documents Required to be uploaded at the time of filing online application:

  • Class XII Mark Sheets
  • Class X Mark Sheet/Certificate (for proof of date of birth)
  • Endorsement Certificate as per the prescribed format, signed by the Principal of the College/Director of the Institute/Registrar of the University (mandatory)
  • Eligibility Note/Advisory Note (if provided by the State/Central Board) (not mandatory)
  • Certificate specifying Rank or Award in JEE (Main)/ JEE (Advanced)/ NEET/ KVPY /JBNSTS/ NTSE / International Olympic Medallists (if the candidate is eligible under this criterion)

Application Period:
For advertisement and details visit Website:

9. " Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child” Scholarship by UGC, GOI

Financial assistance to meritorious Girl Students for perusing Higher Studies (Scholarship for Post-Graduation) provided by the UGC, Govt. of India

  • Girl students without having any brother or the girl student who are twin daughters/ fraternal daughter may also apply for scholarship under the aforesaid scheme. In a family if one son and one daughter is available then girl child will not be considered for scholarship under the scheme.
  • Girl students up to the age of 30 years at the time of admission in PG courses are eligible.
  • The scheme is applicable to such single girl child who has taken admission in regular, fulltime first year Master's Degree course in any designated university or a post graduate college. This scholarship is available to PG-I-year student only.
  • Admission to PG Course in Distance education mode is not covered under the scheme.

How to Apply and other details:
Apply Online only:

10. Free Studentship (Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme) by Govt. of WB

Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme to the needy and the deserving students, on the recommendation of the College Principal, provided by the Director of Public Instruction, Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal

  • Family income certificates from competent authorities
  • Special attention is paid to the progress, conduct and attendance of scholarship holders

How to Apply and other details:
Contact Students' Support Cell or Students' Section Office of the College

Scholarship by Non-Govt. Funding Agencies

11. Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) Scholarship (Senior)

Financial assistance to meritorious Student to attract the talent to Science for perusing Higher Studies (Scholarship for Higher Education) provided by the Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS), Kolkata, an Autonomous Registered Society
Any Indian National who has passed the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination in the year of application (i.e., current year) and is studying B.Sc. (Hons.)
How to Apply and other details:
The dates of application, examination etc. are advertised in leading newspapers after the result of Higher Secondary examination (West Bengal) is declared. Application form and the admit card may be downloaded from the website:

12. WB Urdu Academy Scholarship

Financial assistance and Book Grant to meritorious Students pursuing M. A. (Post Graduate) course in Urdu. provided by the WB Urdu Academy, an Autonomous Registered Society

  • sanctioned on basis of marks obtained in aggregate and in Urdu in the previous examination
  • students securing 65% and above marks in Urdu and 50% marks in aggregate
  • family income is less than Rs.8000/- per month

How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

13. WB AUQAF Board Scholarship

Financial assistance to meritorious Muslim Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the West Bengal AUQAF Board

  • Stipends/Scholarship is being allowed on the basis of merit-cum-means to the students
    belonging to the Muslim community on their passing the Higher Secondary or its equivalent, Fazil Examination
  • Annual family income is less than Rs. 1,00, 000/-

How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

14. Sitaram Jindal Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG & PG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the Sitaram Jindal Foundation

  • Stipends/Scholarship is being allowed on the basis of merit-cum-means to the students
  • Boys @65% of Marks and Girls @60% of Marks in the last examination
  • Annual family income is less than Rs. 2,50, 000/-

How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

15. GP Birla Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the GP Birla Foundation, India
How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

17. Swami Dayanand Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the Swami Dayanand Education Foundation, India
How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:
WhatsApp Number - 8448770654

18. Priyamvada Birla Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the MP Birla Apex Charitable Trust
How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

19. Anant Merit Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the Anant Education Initiative
How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

20. KC Mahindra Merit Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG/PG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students, pursuing Higher Studies and belonging to Economically weaker section of society, provided by the K. C. Mahindra Education Trust
How to Apply and other details:
Visit the website:

21. FAEA Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies and belonging to Economically weaker section of society, provided by the Foundation for Academic Excellence & Access (FAEA)
How to Apply and other details:

22. FAEA Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies and belonging to Economically weaker section of society, provided by the Foundation for Academic Excellence & Access (FAEA)
How to Apply and other details:

23. Kind Scholarship for Female Students

Financial assistance to meritorious Girl Students pursuing Higher Studies and belonging to Economically weaker section of society
How to Apply and other details:
Website: meritorious-students

23. HDFC Bank ECSS'- Educational Crisis Scholarship Support

Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies and belonging to Economically weaker section of society provided by HDFC Bank
How to Apply and other details:

24. ACC Vidyasaarathi Scholarship for Students Pursuing UG Course 

This scholarship program is designed for the candidates pursuing any graduation course like Bachelors of Science, Commerce, Arts any other bachelors' equivalent course. This scholarship program is only for students residing near the ACC Plant location.
How to Apply and other details:

25. SAATHI Primavera Scholarship for students pursuing Full time UG Course 

Saathi Primavera scholarship programme is yet another impactful imitative from Primavera India. This Scholarship Programme is aimed at providing opportunities for the less privileged and deserving students to pursue their aspirations for a better future and is open for all undergraduate courses
How to Apply and other details:


The college has Boys' Hostel with two buildings, named Baker Government Boys' Hostel and Bangabandhu Annex Building (named after the first President of Bangladesh Sk. Mujibar Rahaman who was an alumnus of this Institution).

In total 600 boarders can be accommodated there. Seats in Hostels are allotted in accordance to the existing government rules.

Facilities available in Hostel are Gymnasium, Common Room, Library, Computer, TV, prayer room, CCTV, Anti Ragging Cell, Health Check up Unit, etc.

Besides, a 72 seat Girls' Hostel is under construction and will be ready shortly.

A short history on Baker Govt. hostel (1910-2019)

To find out a proper solution to the students' problem in terms of residence, the Muslim leaders of Calcutta assembled at the Historic Town Hall in 1910 and unanimously adopted a resolution that they should initiate the proposal of constructing a hostel building. Khwaja Sallimullah, the Nawab of Dacca, echoing the sentiments of Muslim donated a generous amount of Rs 30,000/- for the construction of hostel building.

Following the noble footsteps of Nawab Sahib, some of the elite present in the meeting, also contributed for the same. The govt. when approached agreed to bear the half of the expenditure and allocated necessary fund for the construction of the building.

Thus in 1910 a fascinated and two-storied building consisting of 185 rooms with lush green lawn came into existence. This hostel building was named after Sir Edward Norman Baker, Lieutenant Governor of Bengal. After the establishment of the Islamiah College (now Maulana Azad College) in 1926, the privilege of residence was extended to the students of Islamiah College coming from the mufussil and adjoining areas.

During the long span of 108 years from 1910 to 2018, the hostel has greatly contributed in molding the shape of nation in one way or other. This century old hostel is proud to have provided accommodation to innumerable students who have spread far and wide and contributed richly to all walks of life. Among them the illustrious names of Bangabandhu Sk. Mujibur Rahman, father of the nation of Bangladesh.

Boys' Hostel Admission Info. Girls' Hostel Admission Info. Accommodation for Boys

Student Grievance Redressal


  • Prof. Partha Roy (Joint Convener), Mobile: 9830056731
  • Prof. Ayan Banerjee (Joint Convener), Mobile: 8777734380

Anti-Ragging and Prevention of Sexual Harassment

The college has a functioning Anti-Ragging and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell consisting of the following conveners:

  • Prof. Aditi Basu (Jt. Convener), Mobile: 9830201735
  • Prof. Dabir Ahmed (Jt. Convener), Mobile: 9433078802
  • The Heads of the Departments

Newly admitted students of undergraduate/postgraduate courses will have to fill outonline the “Anti Ragging undertaking by students and parents / Guardians” of University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and will have to submit the print out of the same at the time of student registration.

For more details : Visit

Career Counselling Cell

The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of this college has been actively involved in carrying out different programmes for opening different avenues of career options for the students appearing in the final year exam. Seminar and symposium are being arranged throughout the year for exposing the students to various career courses to be pursued after graduation. In this aspect student orientation programmes on Full Bright Scholarship deserves mention.

Students' Union

Update Soon

Other Facilities

Common Room Facilities:

There are two common rooms, one for the girls, and one for the boys. There are ample facilities for indoor games viz. table tennis, carom and chess etc. Both common rooms have multi-gym facility attached to it.

Students' Health Home:

This Institution is member of Students' Health Home, Kolkata. Students can avail medical treatment from students' health home in nominal cost. Students' health home is situated in Maulali which is approx 1 km from the college. Address is 142/2, A J C Bose Road, Maulali, Sealdah, Kolkata, West Bengal-700014.

Student Aid Fund:

The students who do not get any scholarship, but are poor and economically needy, are entitled to avail this opportunity. Some time they are being provided with books and other study materials.

National Service Scheme (NSS):

The National Service Scheme unit works on different projects to make valuable contribution to the society and to sensitize our students towards various social issues. Our NSS volunteers participate in different University Level, State Level and National level programs.

Our Institutional Social responsibility is not only reflected in having a strong NSS unit but also in adopting a slum, arranging special camps and follow up program for the awareness of slum people regarding their good health.

College Canteen:

There is a facility of staff and student canteen where the students and staff of the college can buy fresh food at reasonable rates. The Canteen committee checks the quality and taste of the food supplied in student and staff canteens.

Language Laboratory

A Language Laboratory with facilities like, Laptop, Television with Film Screening is available for the students. With six language options in the college, the students seeking to pursue literature, can get involved in different activities in Language lab like the translation projects, the interactive seminars/symposia. For example, completion of a project on translation of selected works of Jnanpeeth Awardee poet Bishnu De in as many languages as are taught in this College and a language workshop was organized by the PG Department of Urdu.

Guardian-Teacher Meet:

Every year, all Undergraduate and Postgraduate departments of the college organize meetings between teachers and guardiansafter the Mid-Term exams are over. The guardians are informed through their wards about the meetings. The guardians are updated on the academic developments and given general information regarding their wards. These meets are highly beneficial in raising the awareness and disseminating general guidelines for the holistic development of their wards.

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