Maulana Azad CollegeGovt. of W.B.
Maulana Azad College

Maulana Azad College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta
NAAC Accredited with 'A+' Grade
DBT Star College with Star Status
College with Potential for Excellence (UGC) (2010)
Accredited by NAAC in Cycle-3 with an ‘A+’ Grade (CGPA 3.46)
Celebrating 100 Glorious Years of Excellence
ADMIT CARD FOR SEM III Examination 2024 under CBCS :B.A.(H) | B.Sc. (H) | B.Com. (H) | B.A.(G))
Admit Card Semester I Exmination 2024 under CCF:B.Sc. Four Year | B.A. Three Year | B.A. Four Year | B.Com. Four Year)


Details of Research grants received by the college (received/completed over last five years)

Name of the scholar (Name of Supervisor Year of registration of the scholar and present status Title of the thesis for scholar Name and affiliation of Supervisor
Dr. Avijit Dey Registration: 24th August, 2015 Awarded on 14th August, 2020 Influence of black tea extract from Camelia sinensis on rodent pregnancy and newborn pups Dr. Subir C. Dasgupta, Professor, PG Dept. of Zoology
Dr. Ahana Das Registration: 28th November, 2016 Awarded: Aug 26, 2022 Elucidation of the mechanism of trehalose based stabilisation of globular proteins Dr. Samudra Prosad Banik, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology
Dr. Rathin Basak Registration: 17th July 2017 Awarded: 8th February 2023 Analytical Modelling of Tunnel Currents in Advanced MOS Devices Dr. Biswajit Maiti, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics
Dr. Partha Sarathi Banerjee Registration: 28th September 2018 Awarded: 28th March 2023 Analysis of optimality criterion for percolation of information in heterogeneous wireless network Dr. Biswajit Maiti, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics
Ipshita Chakraborty 21st October 2019, Ongoing Environmental Ethics in Hindu Religion with reference to Bengali Community in West Bengal Dr. Debaprashad Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Sutapa Malakar Registration Date: Feb. 3, 2020 Economic ideas of P.C. Mahalanobis, D.R. Gadgil and V.K,R.V. Rao Dr. Santanu Ghosh, Professor, Dept. of Economics
Debkalpa Das 21st December 2021, Ongoing A Study on Eco-feminist Awareness through the Medium of Theatre Dr. Debaprashad Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Debalina Das Registration Date: Dec. 20, 2021 Ethics and Economics: An Exploration of Western and Classical Indian Thoughts With Special Emphasis on Neo-Vedantism Dr. Santanu Ghosh, Professor, Dept. of Economics
Achinta Roy 15th February 2022, Ongoing Migrant Worker and Rural Changes: A Sociological Exploration of Goalphokher-1 Block of Uttar Dinajpur District, West Bengal Dr. Debaprashad Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Manab Mondal 15th February 2022, Ongoing Intergenerational Shift in Parental Values and Styles in Kalyani- Its Nature and Determinants: A Sociological Exploration Dr. Debaprashad Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Dr. Swastick Sen Chowdhury Awarded on Oct. 12, 2022 Incentives, Institutions and Deterrence: Analysis of Unlawful Activities Dr. Santanu Ghosh, Professor, Dept. of Economics
Subhra Ghosh Registration Date: Dec. 28, 2022 Aspects of Elementary Education in Rural India Dr. Santanu Ghosh, Professor, Dept. of Economics
Pradipta Saha 15th February 2023, Ongoing Single-parents & Adolescent Children of Private School under North Barackpore and Barackpore Municipality: A Sociological Study Dr. Debaprashad Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Ankita Saha 30th January 2023, Ongoing Sexual Harassment in Higher Educational Institutions: A Sociological Exploration Dr. Debaprashad Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
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